THE Results of scientific research and PRODUCT testing
The BioHaven matrix is a robust and flexible support structure for plants that has exceptional wave-dampening qualities: instead of simply redirecting possibly destructive energy, waves are safely absorbed. The matrix has a very high tensile strength capable of withstanding 90-mph winds; it is designed to rise and fall with the tide and will rebound if inundated during a storm event.
Floating Islands Enhance Salmonid Recovery by Creating Alternative Nesting Habitat for Caspian Terns11/19/2020
Two recent projects have enhanced recovery of salmonids (salmon and steelhead) by encouraging relocation of Caspian terns to areas far from where juvenile salmonids migrate. Floating islands offer a potentially effective habitat alternative to traditional rock islands if the water depth is greater than 18 inches, or if the water body cannot be drained for construction of a traditional island.
The BioHaven’s effectiveness substantially improved after its vegetation had matured for two growing seasons. The City of Billings was interested in FII technologies to meet MS4 stormwater requirements and the pending Numeric Nutrient Wastewater Standards.
In addition to removing total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP), FTWs provided several additional benefits:
At a wastewater facility in Louisiana, BioHavens more than doubled removal rates for chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia and phosphate. The primary objective was to determine whether the islands could remove unwanted nutrients that were periodically creating noncompliance with the facility’s discharge permit. The goal is to have the facility continually achieve and maintain compliance.
The goal of reducing the total nitrogen (TN) concentration by at least 10 percent was greatly exceeded during the first year of operation, even at the low temperatures experienced at this facility. A net TN removal rate due to islands of 0.94 lb/yr per cubic foot of island was calculated.
stream because of the area’s extremely high annual rainfall (3.5 m or 140 in). Although only 50% of the recommended volume of BioHavens was installed, the results enabled the city to reach its effluent goals without further investment.
Project Location: Sheridan, Wyoming, USA
The goal of this project is to utilize BioHaven Floating Island (Floating Treatment Wetland / FTW) technology to reduce nutrient concentrations and improve water quality in the Holly Ponds complex located on the west side of Sheridan, Wyoming. Specific goals are to reduce concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) that are causing an annual algal bloom, using minnow growth and harvest as a complementary strategy. In less than one year, pond water quality and aesthetics were dramatically improved.
Project Location: Mermaid Pool, Somerset County, New Jersey, USA
This case study demonstrates the ability of BioHaven® technology to solve the problem of phosphorus overload by substantially reducing total phosphorus (TP) levels. BioHavens installed by Princeton Hydro in a highly-visible New Jersey waterway removed an estimated 66 pounds of TP in one growing season, preventing algae blooms and odors that would otherwise have occurred. Wastewater: Achieving Significant Year-Round Nutrient Removal in Aerated Wastewater Lagoons7/22/2020
Project Location: Rehberg Ranch Residential Subdivision, Billings, MT USA
A BioHaven Floating Island (Floating Treatment Wetland / FTW) incorporating circulation and aeration was installed in an aerated wastewater lagoon. This first generation of Floating Island International’s Streambed technology improved removal rates for ammonia, total nitrogen and total phosphorus by 24%, 20% and 5%, respectively, compared to a control lagoon operated in parallel. Ammonia and phosphorus removal were even higher during the winter months. |