What our clients have to say
Chuck Gainan
Land Owner Boyd, MT |
I could have taken all that money I spent over the years on chemicals, and simply invested in a BioHaven solution which is a much more natural way to transition water. Water stewardship is an important role and I’m proud that I have been able to make a positive difference.
Frank Stewart, PE
Civil and Electrical Engineer Bozeman, MT |
Current-generation floating island products have demonstrated that they can produce significant reductions of excess nutrients from wastewater, thereby improving water quality for downstream waters. The next-generation floating island products which are being developed for WRR projects will be even more beneficial, because they will convert these excess wastewater nutrients into commercially valuable products. The possibility of generating electrical power from solar or wind energy is a bonus for these new systems.
Mike Penfold
State of Montana N Dakota, S Dakota and Alaska BLM Director Retired |
Bruce and the team at Floating Island International are demonstrating resource recovery in a remarkable way at Fish Fry Lake, where what used to be dead water flowing into the Yellowstone River is now an incredible and productive fishery. Now the lake produces healthy fish that my grandchildren can catch instead of carpets of algae. This could be the model for urban lakes across the country and help sustain the health of our critically important streams and rivers.
Charles Fritz
8912 Susanna Drive Billings, MT |
As an artist, it is my job to recognize and elevate the exceptional when I see it. For well over a decade I have had the privilege of observing closely, the passion, dedication and energy that Bruce and Anne bring to their work. I would highly encourage others who are interested in water quality to look closely at the fantastic results that have been achieved through the natural processes of “Floating Islands.”
Cornelius (Andy) Valkenburg, PhD
Analytical Chemist and Environmental Scientist Corporate Quality Assurance Officer |
Floating Islands “Water Resource Recovery Initiative” is a most impressive creative idea that should encourage the implementation of floating islands across the world and our nation by providing a return on investment with a harvestable product of landscaping trees from the islands. Wastewater treatment lagoons being one area most amenable to this concept for enhanced water treatment and increased nutrient removal. Their concept for the addition of solar panels for powering aeration and for thermal warming of the islands also makes the man-made islands even more biologically effective in winter for cold climate areas.