BioHaven StreamBed
Floating Streambeds mitigate harmful algae blooms and
STOP Lakes becoming methane emission factories
BioHaven Oxygenation Platforms combine the benefits of biofilm-reactive surface area and deep aeration to mitigate harmful algae blooms without chemicalsHABs lead to methane emissionsHarmful Algae Blooms (HABs) are increasing at an alarming rate world-wide. They kill fish, harm humans and pets, smell terrible and cause dead zones along our coastlines. Worse, when they die, decomposition processes can quickly use up oxygen and start producing methane. But how can a water steward treat HABs without dumping vast amounts of expensive chemicals in the water and turning them into methane-producing sludge, making a bad situation worse? Naturally, we have a solution: BioHaven Floating Islands and Floating StreamBed, that harness nature's own processes to provide perennial, sustainable solutions.
All BioHaven Floating Islands provide a degree of protection against HABs by dealing with the excess nutrient loading that is the primary cause. As long as there is circulation and aeration in the water, the BioHaven matrix can attract the microbes and form biofilm to perform natural and effective nutrient removal. The BioHaven Floating StreamBed is particularly effective in treating and preventing HABs.
BioHaven Oxygenation: Floating StreamBedThe StreamBed is a self-supported oxygenation system that uses airlift technology to initiate a stream-flow on top of a floating island. In the original design, a stream is guided horizontally through a channel "cutout" in the top of the island, which has matrix on the bottom and sides, with the top being open to air.
An innovative design modification allows the "stream" to be run through a vented pipe instead of an open channel. This allows us to manipulate the oxygen concentration in the pipe by adding nanobubbles and micro bubbles, then deliver the stream back to the waterbody at the same temperature and depth it was drawn from. Why is the StreamBed so effective and desirable?
By keeping the temperature constant between the intake depth and re-insertion depth, the StreamBed prevents de-stratification and mixing. This makes several desirable outcomes possible for the lake or pond manager:
Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs)
BioHaven and Partner Technologies are a game-changer in HAB and Golden Algae treatment & prevention |
How we bring BioHaven treatment to wastewater lagoons while providing economic and social opportunities |