Floating Treatment Wetlands
Mitigate Lake Eutrophication
An enhanced floating treatment wetland (FTW) that incorporates air diffuser technology is under evaluation in an on-going study at Floating Island International in Montana. The latest-generation system lifts and circulates water through floating streambeds within the FTW. This combination of FTW and improved water circulation/aeration is part of a product range called BioHaven®. The primary objective of the study is to determine whether biofilm-based microbes can provide nutrient removal, while increasing fish productivity.
Over the last 11 years, Floating Island International (FII) has developed the BioHaven FTW technology, which mimics the ability of natural peat-based wetlands to purify water. The Leviathan™ extrapolates this technology by maximizing surface area and circulation, which are key components of wetland effectiveness. The islands are also designed to provide optimal perennial plant habitat.
Dissolved oxygen and temperature measurements taken on Fish Fry Lake, FII’s 6.5-acre research lake in 2008/2009 indicated that stratified water near the surface was too warm to sustain a trout fishery. While temperatures below the stratified warm water layer were sufficiently cool for trout, that zone contained low dissolved oxygen (DO) levels. During late summer, no strata of water could consistently provide the cold-water, high-DO environment demanded by fish, such as rainbow, brown and Yellowstone cutthroat trout.
Leviathan is an enhanced form of constructed wetland and is FII’s latest effort to move excess nutrients into the food chain or harvest them. It integrates high-volume, low-pressure circulation with matrix surface area constructed of post-consumer (recycled) polymer fibers, for maximum wetland performance. Air-driven directional diffusers circulate up to 2,300 m3/hr, pushing it through the BioHaven matrix and plant roots.
The system’s floating streambed contributes to aeration and nutrient uptake. The FPZ-brand air diffusers require 3 hp (2.2 kW) to operate, typically with 230V single-phase power. |