Floating Treatment Wetlands
an innovative solution to enhance removal of fine particulates, copper and zinc
Twelve mesocosm tanks (1m wide x 1m long x 0.75m water depth; operational water volume 0.7m3) set up under a clear plastic covered shelter were used to conduct a series of batch experiments at the Ruakura Research Centre in Hamilton during March and April of 2007 (see Figure 2). To determine the effect of different components of the floating wetlands, water quality responses were compared in triplicate for eight different ‘treatments’: |
A commercially available hydroponic fertilizer was also added in small quantities to provide a background mix of other nutrients and trace elements (P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, SO4, B and Mo). The mesocosm tanks were cleaned in between each batch to remove any sediment or biofilm that had accumulated during the preceding batch.