Prevention of BIOGENIC METHANE From Water, A Leveraged and Fundamental Form of Climate Action9/13/2022 Methane is the climate change leverage point. And methane that is generated biologically, instead of over eons like oil and gas methane, has been growing exponentially. And no, this is not about “cow burps". It is about nutrient impaired water - more than half of all freshwater around the world.Just a few years ago, no one on the Floating Island International (FII) research and development team was focused on methane. Instead, we were all oriented around prevention and mitigation of harmful algae blooms and associated freshwater nutrient impairment issues. The team was unaware of the volume of methane that nutrient impaired water emits. Since then, science rolls on, and strong science has resulted in a growing awareness. What we have learned is critical to human effort to prevent a disastrous level of climate change. We now understand and are responding to an incredible problem. We are prepping with BioHaven technology and experience to address the fact that the single greatest climate change factor is in front of us. The BioHaven network has a unique opportunity to play a dramatically outsized role in effective climate action. Here’s why: 1. Methane is the climate change leverage point. And methane that is generated biologically, instead of over eons per oil and gas derived methane, has been growing exponentially. This means that while Oil and Gas can certainly clean up their act, the half again greater issue is with current biologic sources of methane. And “no”, this is not about “cow” burps. It is about nutrient impaired water, and I don’t mean “wetlands.” I mean more than half of all freshwater around the world. It is nutrient loaded, and causes biogenic methane at levels half again greater than all of Oil and Gas methane emissions. 2. When organics occur outside of natural concentrations in fresh water, oxygen is consumed at levels outside of nature’s model. But nature doesn’t stop there. Nature has developed life forms that operate without oxygen. These life forms generate methane instead of carbon dioxide.
3. Earth is dynamic, and this phenomenon has happened before. It inspired a mass extinction event some 252 million years ago, when it caused global temperature to increase by at least 10 degrees C over a couple hundred of thousand years. Note, the disruptive climate issues happening right now, like Sacramento seeing 116 degrees a few days ago, in September, are based on slightly over 1 degree C increase in our temperature. We humans and our myriad impacts, including deforestation, direct atmospheric carbon injection, and nutrient loading into fresh water, exemplify this. At our present rate, we will hit that unlivable 10 degree C increase in a few hundred years. Not hundreds of thousands, but mere hundreds. How will you survive? Do you have children? How will they get through this? Bottom line, this phenomenon can be moderated. It will take more than theatrics however. The Elon Musk’s of the world, and the cadre of humans that control significant wealth, will have to act meaningfully. And soon. Private wealth must be paired with governmental funding at unprecedented levels, and the money must be spent effectively and strategically. Here’s a hopeful note…biogenic methane can be prevented. Nutrient impaired water stewardship is not particularly problematic to prevent. It does require thoughtful design however, and this is remarkably absent in many an environmental service provider’s repertoire. For now, inertia is the dire enemy. Status quo is the standard that must be faced, and changed. Short-sightedness, apathy, avoidance and other forms of stupidity will get all of us killed. We must act aggressively and effectively, and we must do so “now”. Anaerobic fresh water is on the rise. Anaerobic water generates methane. But it can be made aerobic. In the process, water can be a wonderful life affirming asset. It can grow healthy, air breathing biota that contributes to planetary beneficence. If left unaddressed, it will grow methane. Get used to the idea that you will be called upon to figure out how to live at 125 degrees F. And know that it may be too late. Even if we act now, the following decades may be unlivable for conventional human existence. Imagine living in holes in the ground, just to escape surface temperatures? Here’s what the United States, Canada and Mexico can do immediately to take an initial bite out of the single largest source of methane: 1. Quantify current methane emissions from all lakes and reservoirs that contain over 50 acre feet of water. Environmental Service Providers are currently being armed with the protocol to do this. The effort must be expanded exponentially, and quickly. 2. The largest sources of this form of methane are controlled by government, mainly the US Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation. Essentially, government environmental stewardship is currently in failure mode, and must shift into effective treatment mode quickly. 3. Politicians that impede this process are both, dangerously ignorant and impediments to human survival. Every tax payer must hold every politician to this standard…”are you working to sustain human life, or not.” The democratic processes we currently practice will not survive when temperature’s hit unlivable levels. There are companies currently oxygenating nutrient impaired water. They are happening, but need to expand exponentially. Support them. Contact me directly if you are in position to support advancement in this arena. Time is short. Act now. I am reachable. [email protected] 1-406-373-5200
12/18/2022 08:47:01 am
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